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Jobless and Faceless •Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
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Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:32 am
by McFurd
There are hundreds of opinions and short dissertation quotes on this famous question. There obviously isn't one answer that covers everyone's opinion on it but what is amazing is that there can be so many offerings for such a simple question. There is a website called businessballs.com that is a free online team-building and motivational training resource established and run by the Alan Chapman Consultancy of Leicester, England. There you can find quotes on responses to this question.


I have always looked at the question from the opinion that it depends upon where you are in life at the time you try to formulate an answer. If your glass is half full then that would tend to reflect that you intend on filling the remaining half. But if your opinion is that it is half empty then you have accepted that you have used half of what you have and will be working on using up the second half with no intentions on filling anything back into the glass.