Filling America's 6 Million Job Vacancies
The Atlantic - 1/5/2018 - Lolade Fadulu - In the 1980s, a typical laid-off auto-worker would participate in a months-long job-training program. It would take lots of convincing—reentering the classroom after years on the factory floor can be both daunting and uninspiring—but she’d eventually give in, perhaps taking classes at her local community college where she’d learn, say, the clerical skills necessary to land an administrative job in real estate or insurance. Toward the end of the program, she’d get to brush up on her resume-writing and in-person interviewing skills, too. But when it was time to actually apply for those administrative jobs, she’d find that said jobs didn’t, in fact, exist: The employers in her area weren’t hiring. Read more @ ... es/549752/
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