Life is a Mobious
"One of the most famous surfaces in mathematics is the Möbius (MeR-bee-us) strip. It is essentially a strip with a half twist that is connected to create a continuous loop. What makes this seemingly ordinary construct so fascinating is that the Möbius strip seems to have only one side. In mathematical terms, the Möbius strip is non-orientable. That is, when you define a surface normal at a point, it is impossible to extend the definition to the whole surface. The difference when compared to a circle is that a circle has two sides, the outside and the inside. I find it interesting that many famous quotes include the circle when philosophizing about life. They note that one tends to stay on either side thus never really expanding oneself to explore, embrace and appreciate the other side. I prefer to consider the exploration of life as best compared to the Mobius if one wants to get the most out of it. Ultimately you return to your starting point but in the process you never have to stop living on one side to start living on the other". McFurd
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